Teacher Profile

Teacher's/Staff Profile (Till date)

Personal Profile
1. Name Mrs. Munmun Choudhary
2. Father's/Husband Name Swapan Kumar Choudhary
3. Date of Birth 05-02-1994
4. Blood Group B+
5. Date of Joining in College 05-10-2020 05-10-2020
5.a. Date of Joining as Teacher 05-10-2020
6. Designation Guest Teacher
7. Department Economics
8. Aadhar Number ************** PAN Number : **************
10. Education Pursuit/Highest Qualification NET
11. Ph.D/NET Passing Year and University Name NET-2019
12. Are you recognized as research guides (Yes/No) if YEs when attached first registered Scholar letter NO
13. Permanent Residential Address with District and State Vill- Dation, P.O- Khidirpur, P.S- Barsoi, Dist- Katihar
14. Mobile Number 8292655435 Computer Knowledge Yes
15. E-mail choudharymun85@gmail.com
16. Teaching Experience (in Year) 4 4 4
17. Administrative Experiences H.O.D., ECONOMICS